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I will write the right words someday. I will say what I mean to say. I mean I love you, when that feels right for you. I am the master of it all. I can and I will maintain the pace. I got everything I need. This time, this Now, is a lighter trip. The more I know, the more I hold. I am the white world bridger. The context abridger. It's the importance of today what fades away when tomorrow becomes today. And the intensity you tend to dislike and criticize is precisely what you need. Like when I played The Christ and you denied me three times. Like Judas you burned. But like the Phenix you came back to life. I, my love, am resurrected too. And as we are here Now, miles and miles away, separated by words we couldn't know, we wouldn't say. But we are here. We're rising up. I wish. I wish. We could meet. If we could. Then we would. Share the love. The infinite love. The burning love. Our desires. Our eyes. Catching glimpses. Our lips. Casting sights. I love you. I love you. I love you. And you love me too. Say it. You love me too. Allow yourself to feel it. Embrace it. Come near me. Let me know when it starts hurting. So I can lick your wounds. So I can taste your blood. I love you. I love you. I love you. But what is love? Why do I sense my heart? And that something between my legs? Why do I close my eyes to reach you? Where are you? Oh... I understand. I love you. I love you. I love you. We're in parallel universes. It is surreal. How we connect to a much higher level. There are no more words. But there are colors. And there's depth. And the feeling between my legs. I love you. I love you. I love you.


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. * .

We don't go from seeds to trees in quantum leaps.
There are phases, and stages, of bases, in space...
and then there's time.

You have to breathe in
before you breathe out.

Learn to focus, take one step at a time.
Be thankful, for you are certainly growing.
Be patient, for patience makes you learn from every instant,
and to fully learn from every instant
is what truly makes you wise.
